Ghosting will screen in Jersey City at the Golden Door International Film Festival, which runs from September 24th through the 27th.
10 Free or Cheap Ways to Support Micro-Budget Independent Film
Welcome to the burgeoning world of the micro-budget independent filmmaker, where the budget is often determined by the amount of room left on a credit card, the production schedule must accommodate everyone’s day job, and the odds of anyone ever seeing a profit approximate the odds of winning the lottery.
Continue reading 10 Free or Cheap Ways to Support Micro-Budget Independent Film
Ghosting was one of four films awarded in the Feature Film – Suspense/Thriller category at the 20th Indie Gathering International Film Festival.
Ghosting Wins at Philadelphia Independent Film Festival
Ghosting took first place in the Feature Film (Local) category at the 2015 Philadelphia Independent Film Festival.
Ghosting Wins at Tupelo Film Festival
Ghosting took 2nd place in the feature film category at the 12th annual Tupelo film Festival.
Ghosting to play at Tupelo Film Festival
Ghosting in post-production
Ghosting begins filming in September.
Two Days Back Premiere
Two Days Back is scheduled to premiere at the Capital Theatre in Chambersburg, PA on November 18th and 19th. Get tickets now at theater box office.
Also, visit the official website and visit us on Facebook.
Two Days Back Trailer v=YGQsJOEEpoE